What is Marpai, Inc.'s stock symbol?

Our stock is traded on OTCQX Markets under the symbol MRAI.

When was Marpai, Inc. incorporated?

January 22, 2021

When did Marpai, Inc. become a public company?

October 2021

Where is Marpai, Inc. located?

615 Channelside Dr
Floor 2
Tampa, FL 33602

When is Marpai, Inc.'s fiscal year end?

December 31st

Who is Marpai, Inc.'s transfer agent?

American Stock Transfer
6201 15th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11219
T: 800-937-5449

Who is Marpai, Inc.'s independent auditor?

1185 Ave of Americas
38th Floor
NY, NY 10036
P: 866-202-9233